Counting My Blessings – Nicaragua
Affectionate culture, so lots of hugs and kisses, just the way I like it.
There were turtles everywhere in our hostel in Granada :] I love turtles.
I get a bed to sleep on!!!
I’m conquering my fear of the top bunk, with baby steps: I have a guard rail!
Laundry by hand makes me feel accomplished. And it doesn't go missing!!!
WHITE RICE AND BLACK BEANS (my favorite, no joke!) 2 meals a day. It’s just like Brazil.
There are hammocks a-plenty in the property.
I have slain at least 10 wasps, and have yet to be stung. I declare I won’t be stung.
Riding in the back of truck is still our means of transportation… and my favorite.
Cutest doggie ever to play with here, named Loti!
I don’t need a sheet to cover me, but it's not too hot to fall asleep!
We had lice… but we are now free from the lice!!! My lice are gone, I've been set free! My God my Savior has ransomed me!
We eat dinner while watching the sunset every night.
I have 20ish days left before I turn 25. I’m praying huge, bold prayers.
I have a volcano in my backyard!!!
Amazing fruits. Jocotes may be my new favorite fruit.
I’m getting the gnarliest, most respectable farmer's tan of my life.
I have a real towel to use! Are you kidding me??!!!!
The shower is perfectly cold.
There is wifi. Good wifi.
I’m free from “having to” get on the internet. I post my blogs, a few silly tweets here and there, but I no longer feel entitled. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
Daddy provides for my every need here, as always.
Divine appointments here are no joke! I’m talking about “hey, will you explain this to me about Jesus?” obvious 🙂
God is bringing me through this desert season, teaching me SO much about who He is and why I obey Him.
God is teaching me what it’s like to seek Him. Not just when I feel like it, but constantly. He’s teaching me to fix His words in my heart and mind.
Ministry this month is mostly manual labor. It’s tangible. I can step back after a day and say “this is what I did for Your glory” and pray God blesses everyone who comes through the place.
My part is helping to change the course of history in Nicaragua, for the glory of God.
We are creating jobs in Nicaragua, for the glory of God, to give the men here a way to provide for their families without getting sick from the pesticides in the sugar cane fields.
We are planting seeds in Nicaragua (physically and spiritually), for the glory of God.
I’m rejoicing in the simple things, for the glory of God.
I could go on and on and on,
counting my countless blessings,
but this should give you a glimpse
of my thankful soul.
Although I'm far from home, and in a spiritual desert, and sometimes I get really impatient and obstinate…
There is a purpose.
A grand purpose.
And in this, God chose to include me. Me!
I have much to be thankful for, much to do for the Kingdom, and I have every reason to smile.